
Monday, November 16, 2015

Tuesday, October 20, 2015


Speaking to my fellow author, Delia Goldadler Joison, Argentinean writer with seventeen books published on Amazon, the edition of our books, came up. Since we are auto published authors, edition is part of our job too.

The risk of “over edition” however, shows up when we are editing. We want our books to be perfect. Of course. But if we are not careful in the process of auto-edition, could end somehow “mutilating” the creativity, the author voice.
So, don´t worry about how immaculate and perfect your prose can be. I mean, of course the typos and the grammar errors must be corrected. Beyond that, my opinion is that our books, once finished, have some kind of “life”.
If you come back to one of your books, years later, a new edition process can be initiated. But your perspective now would be undoubtedly different. That’s why a new version of your book is the most probable result.

I told Delia about a perspective that a singer shared with me several years ago. Between millions of singers, where the ninety percent have the main requirement: a good voice that allows them to be in the final round on a talent contest, only a few highlight. My friend said that “a good voice” was an important requirement. But having a unique style was essential. A highlighted voice, stood out in the crowd.
Clearly, the example can be applied to the book publishing world. Famous authors always had stood out by a unique style. And it’s possible to recognize this “trademark” in each book they publish.

Between million of voices, your “author voice” will be remarkable if your style is not “mutilated” in the auto-edition process. Don´t worry. Only has to follow your instinct. It is the most powerful signal. 

Monday, October 12, 2015


The old concept of the author far from the real world, surrounded by wonderful stories, voluntarily isolated to maximize his creativity. Very romantic. Yes, sure. In the nineteen century.
Authors had evolved and now one of them is in front of his computer, tipping while receiving a notification in the task bar: a new email from Amazon KDP on the top of the inbox.  “Good! The payment of the royalties from last month arrived” In the browser, the twitter extension announces that a follower replied to one of his tweets. His fingers stop. "I must see it". Then, he realizes his essay about the civil war is not finished yet. "Focus, focus".
And I am talking only about the virtual distractions. It's hard to concentrate and feel inspired at home, with kids running around and a husband / wife demanding attention.
So, the concept of being an island is pretty attractive.  I am sure that authors from nineteen century could hardly deal with one single day of a XXI century author's routine.
The social media can be overwhelming but is also necessary. Actually, I believe that modern authors have additional skills, and in a few years we'll develop an extra hand as a consequence of this evolution process.

I am not talking literally, of course, but the pressure will be easy to manage as much as we adapt to this technological world. 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Reflections on 2015 for the auto published authors: The keyword is community

During the past six months I have learned a lot about self publishing. Actually, it was an unknown world for me. Besides entering this large community of writers, the dynamic is pretty impressive. Its growth can be perfectly touchable. Twitter has been the perfect showcase where publishers and authors have the opportunity to exhibit their works. It has been a revolution. The stereotypes changed 180 degrees. It has changed the way people read. The way people acquire books. The marketing possibilities are endless. I truly believe one hundred years from now, this particular part of history of the planet will be remarkable. A good moment for culture.  A good moment for anybody who want to express themselves through writing.

But the work ahead is comparable to climb a high mountain. The road is clear, however, we, the auto published authors still need to manage challenges in a big scale. The difference is we have resources and a growth community, helping to make it easier.

Thanks to all my followers for your support in 2014. I hope, sincerely, continuing this path in 2015, and you will be the first to know about the good news as soon as they happened.